Thursday, April 10, 2008

Monarchy is a Must

Bishal Shah
The Nepali Nationalists Organization (NNO) USA, believes that Nepali People should always think about to keep their royal institution for long. It is the symbol of Nepali national unity. It is the prestige and pride for the Nepali people. No one can imagine that the killer like Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda), Girija Koirala who has masterminded to hijack twin-otter plane in 70s which carried a huge national revenue and still he did not have answered whereabouts of that wealth, Madhav Kumar Nepal whose height is barely above 5 feet with no charm at all and Sher Bahadur Deuba who does not understand himself what he spoke or Pashupati SJB Rana, Surya Bahadur Thapa, Lokendra B. Chand, Regional Madhesi leaders -anyone can present Nepal's image outside Nepal. As far as inside Nepal, except His Majesty King Gyanendra, there is no one who can unite a nation and bring all Nepali together. Every people within their deep heart has a place for King Gyanendra. Whoever speaks whatever, still, inside their heart there is a love and respect towards King Gyanendra. It is the foreigners who wish Nepal being turned into Christian nation or who wants to hijack all natural resources love to see Nepali people without their guardian, Monarchy. Therefore, true patriots of Nepal are completely right when they say Nepal is no more sovereign and independent nation. Nepal will have lesser status than Bhutan without King. One of Nepal's well-wishers, the Political Science Professor Dr. Jenny Curzine from France always argues in favor of monarchy. She always says: we have no Monarchy now. Our Monarchs were projected as villains in the history but that is not hundred percent true. During their rule France used to be the number one nation. We were powerful and richer than the United States of today. There is no country will ever be as equal as France during the rule of our Monarchs. We had prestige, power and in fact, we reached the height of progress. Nepal was also moving towards progress during Kings rule. I am not against the democracy, but the democratic leaders ruined Nepal. They stagnated country and they put Nepal under the feet of India. King Gyanendra is sacrificing everything for the people of Nepal. If he wanted the Nepalese people would have swept away the Jana Andolan II very easily. If he had just requested the people to stop, Jana Andolan II would have gone in a thin air. At last, King is a must for Nepal otherwise, expect Nepal, a federal state of Greater India or federated nations of different names and with different flags. And then, definitely, there will be no four star flags, no flags with sun or Cow or something else. People will be greeted with the flags of Tiranga (Indian Flag) or with the flag of hammer and sickle (international communist's flag) or with different regional flags like in former Yugoslavia. No matter how the Constituent Assembly election gives the result, Nepali leaders must unite themselves and save Monarchy for the sake of Nepal's future. The leaders must think that the result of CA is not an end in itself. It has a big responsibility of drafting a new Constitution. The people must be given the final say on a new Constitution through the referendum. Lacking this will lead towards the real revolution that Nepal has never witnessed in its history, nationalists defending Constitutional Monarchy and Hindu Dharma at one side and the parties defending India's interests and imported religions at the other. The result is evident. (On behalf of the Nepali Nationalists Organization NNO), USA, Chairman, Bishal B. Shah)

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