Friday, March 6, 2009

Too Much Politics in Nepal!


It is too much in Nepal. If not, how much is too much? We have anarchists both in government and outside. If the men in government make frightening comments at times then the men outside the government framework too contribute to create panic among the already panicked population.
The rhetoric of State Capture that we have been listening since a month or so is what has been sending spine chilling waves in the body of the common men considering what will eventually happen to this nation-state if and when such a capture gets materialized.
Ministerial suggestions that each and every Nepali citizen must carry weapons for their personal safety must not be taken as a joke as it tells the very mindset of those who forwards such hair-raising propositions.
Even the Nepali media men were suggested February 8, 2009 by a sitting minister to keep weapons with them as the state may not be able to provide needed and the adequate security to the media men on an individual basis. A brilliant idea but equally a dangerous one in essence.
The media men are being killed on a frequent basis with no probability of receiving security from the nation-state. Thus the media is in a panicked state. The innocent civilians are being kidnapped in a broad day light. Cases of arson and loot continue unabated. The entire security system in the country appears to have become either lenient or defunct.
The entire Terai or say Madhesh is in turmoil with mind boggling demands unheard of. The Bundhs and closures of the national high ways have become a regular feature. If such Bundhs and closures bring in chaos in the industrial sector then those who are engaged in this domain, the industrialists and the workers, too have been feeling the brunt. If the industrialists now prefer to shift the capital to some, comparatively, safer places outside the country then the innocent workers who earn their living by spending their energies each day for two meals a day too have become jobless which surely has a multiplier effect.
Consider a poor worker who earns one hundred rupees by extending his personal services to any one factory will have no money to feed his children and other family members if the factories are told to close down under one pretext or the other by some groups, politically motivated or otherwise.
The repeated bundhs and the closures in effect are hitting the poor section of the Nepali society instead what is being given to understand.
The culture of Bundhs and Closures, a new phenomenon for Nepal indeed but it appears that such phenomenon have already taken deep roots in our country.
Who benefits or for that matter who or which section of the society is hit hard by such sad events is any body’s guess.
The Bundhs and closures continue but the government in Kathmandu has no time to look into the mater seriously. The government at best is busy in calculating the numerical numbers on how to continue in power. This is a cheat. This is unacceptable. No sane person on earth will praise such a government that remains averse to the plight of its own population.
The culture of Bundhs and Closures must come to an end. If the demands are political ones then the government must try to handle it politically. If the bundhs and the closures are made by miscreants then the state must deal with the emerging situation accordingly.
Alas! The nepali people haven’t felt that there is the presence of the government. Neither the government is present nor the State?
If so then we the people are left to the mercy of the Almighty who prefers not to speak when we need him to speak in our favor.
Perhaps this explains the situation prevailing in this country. That’s all.


Anonymous said...

Very realistic ...very nice....Outstanding

Anonymous said...

You have given words to the feeling of Nepalese.